Sunday, May 15, 2011

दीप थिंकिंग

1.Deep Thinking is to Ponder,Analyze,Understand,and Try to reach a conclusion regarding matters of daily life or for doing something new in life....

2.A person who thinks with his emotions loses his reason,along with the ability to think clearly...

3.To deal with depression...Start having less expectations and try believing in uncertainty...

4.Let your previous mistakes not affect your life in the present,but make sure you are no repeating it again...

5.If enemy seeks peace,you should surely go for it...

6.The scope of man's thought is so broad that it is almost impossible to put any constrains or limits on it...

7.Those who only want ease everywhere;hardly find happiness in their lifes...

8.Three common things which are the most attractive and can effectively lead people astray,

Money,fame,and lifestyle.Always control your level of satisfaction.

9.No two person's way of thinking can be 100% same,so there is always "understanding" for a positive thinker and 'compromise' for a negative thinker...

10.Your trouble and anger are actually a test of your patience and wisdom.

11.The best learning is Learning through Experiences... provided someone takes a lesson from his experiences.

12.Money always keep on rotating...We call it recession if its blocked somewhere...

13.Good virtues will always be good and useful and bad vices will always remain bad and harmful,though how much so ever they may be prevalent in the society.

14.It is not always true that"your heart is always right".so better consult some good,authentic and appropriate people before taking any decision...

15.Successful person is the one who is known for his honesty and among those who know him...

16.Choose as your leader,the person who speaks the Right and the Truth,and at least tries to implement what he says...

17.Whatever man's mind can conceive and believe,it can achieve...

18.The truth might hurt for a while,but the damage caused by lies are lifetime,even...

19.Poets,Writers,Musician,Scientist etc make their mind to concentrate deeply to get a clue...(The basis of creativity starts from a clue)

20.Whenever you receive any news,No matter the news is good or bad,first confirm whether it is True or False,then only belive it...

21.Humans are social beings by nature,that's why the world is need bases and we are dependent on each other.

22.Striving to be too beautiful makes a person look ugly... Our attitude should be moderated.We should avoid extremes.

23.You are not a responsible person if you tend to repeat your previous mistakes...

24.Great is he who is known for his helpfulness,love & devotion.Greatness comes by doing small events at big scale,rather than big events at small scale.

25.Whenever you are in depression,do something good for yourself...or pursue one of your hobbies...

26.Man is never burdened more than his capacity of tolerance,so there is no need to even contemplate suicide...

27.There is no good in excess words...

28.Giving is the art of Living;Kindness in giving creates love...

29.Consulting others to take our own decisions increases mutual trust and respect,and at the same time helps you take better decision...

30.Every person has his own personality and skills;you should try to find your own at least...

31.After every difficulty there is relief...

32.To be humble is to win the hearts...

33.Pride,Arrogance and boasting are enough to reduce somebody in stature...

34.Man gets nothing but what he strives for...

35.The day you will be of no use,you will die,so behave well with old aged people as they are also not useless...

36.To control your anger,drink water whenever you get angry...

37.The regular charity given to needy will surely help in equal distribution of money amongst people,and hence there will be no recession any time...

38.Copying in exams cannot increase anybody's aptitude level...

39.Never help anybody in doing wrong,and never refuse to help somebody in working for the good cause...

40.The 'Happiest' people do not necessarily have the 'best' of things.They simply appereciate the things they have...

41.Two faced people are the most dangerous.They maintain dubious personalities...

42.Nobel work can only be started with right intentions...

43.Human should realize his role for Mother Nature earth...

44.The thing that weights most heavily in balance ( of good deeds) is a good attitude...

45.Lower your voice but strengthen your arguments

46.Don't take rest after a success,people may take your previous victory as a luck,if you fail next time...

47.Deep concentration(meditation) is the best way to become more positive in life...

Deep concentration (Deep Thinking) involves a different way of meditation, in which you can sit for some time and think about the beauty of this world,or greatness of sky,and being thankful . For e.g.You can think "Sky is so high?", "Grass is beautifully green","Sun and moon grow at proper time"...Thinking all this will help you become more positive in your life...

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